新关注 > 信息聚合 > "玩转侏罗纪"恐龙展 30余只仿真"史前霸主"亮相南宁

"玩转侏罗纪"恐龙展 30余只仿真"史前霸主"亮相南宁

"Get along well with the Jurassic" dinosaur show more than 30 only simulation prehistoric "overlord" appearance

2015-01-25 00:23:43来源: 广西新闻网

即日起至2月8日,“玩转侏罗纪”大型生态恐龙主题公园展将于华南城1号馆AB馆间的外广场持续开展。 广西新闻网实习生黄菁菁 摄 一位小观众被展板上的恐龙影像吸引。 广西新闻网实习生黄菁菁 摄 小观...

until February 8th, "get along well with the Jurassic dinosaur exhibition" large ecological theme park outside the square will be in the South China city hall 1 hall AB between sustainable development. Guangxi News Net Photo Intern Huang Jingjing a small audience was a dinosaur image panels to attract. Guangxi News Net Photo Intern Huang Jingjing small view...