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《咱们结婚吧》4月2日上映 高圆圆为"剩女"鸣不平

"Let's get married" Gao Yuanyuan "released in April 2nd 3S lady" grievance

2015-03-31 08:26:36来源: 人民网

电影版《咱们结婚吧》4月2日上映 电影《咱们结婚吧》即将于4月2日上映。昨日,该片导演刘江携主演高圆圆、姜武、李晨、郑恺、陈意涵、郭碧婷、刘涛、王自健8位明星为电影助阵宣传。有多次“剩女”演出经验的高圆圆现场为“剩女”鸣不平,呼吁社会不要给剩女压力。 《咱们结婚吧》以4对情侣婚恋...

film version of "let's get married" April 2nd movie, "let's get married" is due for release in April 2nd. Yesterday, the film director Liu Jiangxie starring Gao Yuanyuan, Jiang Wu, Li Chen, Zheng Kai, Ivy Chen, Bea Hayden, Liu Tao, Wang Zijian 8 star to help out propaganda film. There are many "3S lady" Gao Yuanyuan live "performance experience for 3S lady" grievance, called on the community to 3S lady don't pressure. "Let's get married 4 couples marriage..."