新关注 > 信息聚合 > 财付通郑浩剑:O2O核心在于找改善生活的痛点


Caifutong Zheng Haojian: O2O is the core for improving the lives of the pain points

2015-04-29 18:20:13来源: 新浪

新浪科技讯 4月29日下午消息,腾讯财付通助理总经理郑浩剑在GMIC上表示,O2O的核心在于找到改善人们生活的痛点。它更多的是利用移动互联网把庞大的、未经开发的线下实体经济变得更加智能化,把O2O理...

Sina Sina Technology News April 29th afternoon, Tencent caifutong assistant general manager Zheng Haojian said on GMIC, the core of O2O is to find the pain points to improve people's lives. It is more the use of mobile Internet without the development of economic entities under the line of huge, become more intelligent, to O2O...