新关注 > 信息聚合 > 支付宝的20万额度限制,很可能对您压根儿没有影响


Alipay 200000 limit, probably never happen to you

2016-06-30 18:22:48来源: Tech2IPO

依据多数人使用支付宝的习惯,假如根本不信任快捷支付,压根儿都不会把支付宝当成日常支付工具,额度限制对他们的影响可说微乎其微。 7 月 1 日要到了,新的第三方支付账户体系就要开始了。新体系的最大特点就是实名认证,为符合央行《非银行支付机构网络支付业务管理办法》规定,国内几大主要支付平...

According to the way that most people use the alipay, if barely trust and fast payment, never never use pay treasure as the daily payment tool, credit limit to say little impact on their. On the 1st of July is coming, the new system of third-party payment account is about to begin. The biggest characteristic of the new system is real-name certification, to meet the central bank "non-banking institutions network payment business management method" regulation, domestic major pay a flat...