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The twins the sm, Letv film member first

2016-08-06 02:55:46来源: 中国日报网

从七月开始,乐视视频“魔幻双城记”的两部IP大剧已经接连火热上映,作为暑期档重磅推出的《幻城》和《半妖倾城》播出量随着剧情的起伏节节高升。倾城幻化成妖掀起众粉丝的观影热潮,观众纷纷表示:“等了那么久女主可终于变身了!。 半妖身份暴露,三角恋的矛盾争端继续升级! 《半妖倾城》至今已经上...

Since July, Letv video "magical tale of two cities" two IP dramas have successively heat release, as the summer blockbuster launch of "visionary" and "half demon city" advertisements as the plot ups and downs hugely increased. Fallen into the demon the viewing of the fans to upsurge, viewers have said: "wait for so long she can finally turns!. Half demon identity exposure, the contradiction between the love triangle disputes escalated!" half demon city "has been on the...