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PS VR与HTC不止是对手? 游戏只是VR行业的开始

VR PS and HTC is more than an opponent? The game is just the beginning of the VR industry

2016-08-03 16:15:40来源: 艾瑞网

7月27日下午,上海以40度的高温开启了“烧烤”模式,从黄浦江边的梅赛德斯文化中心往马路对面的世博园中国馆看过去,一个游人也没有出现。但在这个文化中心里面的展厅里,却一排一排坐满了人。 PlayStation中国发布会在2点准时在此开始,索尼互娱日本亚洲执行副总裁织田博之介绍了一系列将...

On the afternoon of July 27, Shanghai to 40 degree heat opened a "barbecue" mode, from Mercedes and cultural center of the Huangpu River to the road opposite the China Pavilion of Shanghai World Expo to see the past, a tourist did not appear. But in this cultural center inside the exhibition hall, but a row of people sitting in a row. PlayStation China conference at 2 on time at the beginning, SONY Entertainment Japan Asia executive vice president Oda Hirono introduced a series of...

标签: PS 游戏 VR