新关注 > 信息聚合 > 历届“星女郎”排排坐?这条美人鱼最受大牌宠爱


Successive "star" girl blouses sit? The mermaid most big favor

2016-02-24 20:54:32来源: 大河网

一部《美人鱼》猴年初一斩获6.6 亿票房,星爷果然是“宝刀未老”。随着电影的卖座,片中的新任“星女郎”被越多得人开始关注,由于她是星爷新剧《美人鱼》的主演,这也就是名副其实的新任“星女郎”。 虽说...

A "mermaid" monkey gains at the beginning of 660 million at the box office, Stephen proved to be "pretty". As the movie hit, in the new "star girl" was the more people begin to pay close attention to, because she is starring Stephen play "mermaid", which is worthy of the name of the new "star". Though...