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魔力时代蜥蜴人督军英雄怎么样 水系英雄大全

Magic age lizard man warlord hero how water hero Daquan

2015-01-29 12:49:28来源: 4399

蜥蜴人督军 星级: ★★★★★ 描述:动起来!懒惰的冷血杂种们!动起来!”“督军大人…你也是冷血……”“啪!” 生命:2080 攻击:325 物防:78 法防:52 技能: 劈砍:【物理】对敌方单体造成90%-110%攻击伤害 暴虐痛击:【物理】对敌方单体造成445...

lizard man warlord Star: * assumes Description: move! Lazy cold-blooded bastards! Move!" "The governor adults... You are cold-blooded......" "Pa!" Life: 2080: 325: 78 anti attack method against: 52 skills: Chop: [physical] caused by 90%-110% attack damage to enemies of tyranny trouncing monomer: [physical] on enemy monomer resulted in 445...