新关注 > 信息聚合 > 页游《塞尔达传说OL》曝光 或将于6月上线

页游《塞尔达传说OL》曝光 或将于6月上线

Webpage Game "the legend of Zelda OL" exposure or will be on-line in June

2015-04-15 10:51:03来源: 太平洋游戏网

在主机游戏中大大有名的冒险大作《塞尔达传说》将被改编为HTML5网页游戏,据小编所了解,游戏将以时下流行的像素风格延续主角林克的冒险传奇。 就目前的资料来看,这款《塞尔达传说OL》将采用HTML...

is famous in the host game adventure masterpiece "the legend of Zelda" will be adapted for the HTML5 Webpage game, according to Xiao Bian understand, legends of the game will continue to pixel style popular protagonist Lin adventure. Information on the current point of view, this "the legend of Zelda OL" will use HTML...