新关注 > 信息聚合 > 杭州“低碳改变环境”科学主题活动启动


Hangzhou "low carbon environmental change" theme activities started in Hangzhou science

2015-03-18 06:48:00来源: 杭州网

近日,杭州市中小学“低碳改变环境”系列科学主题活动启动仪式在中国杭州低碳科技馆隆重举行,全市近500名中小学生、教师代表参加了仪式。 本次主题活动面向全市中小学开展,主要包括栽种、实验、模型、标本...

recently, primary and secondary schools "in Hangzhou City, low carbon environmental change" series of science activities launching ceremony was held in Hangzhou Chinese low carbon science and Technology Museum, the city of nearly 500 students, teachers and representatives attended the ceremony. To carry out the city's primary and secondary schools for the theme of this event, including plant, experiment, model, specimen...