新关注 > 信息聚合 > 郑爽否认恋胡彦斌:空窗 与井柏然顺其自然

郑爽否认恋胡彦斌:空窗 与井柏然顺其自然

Zheng Shuang Hu Yanbin: deny love window and let Jing Bairan

2015-05-12 18:49:04来源: 新浪

郑爽 这里是5月1日早上8点,《花儿与少年2》杭州看片前的两个小时,本刊记者与“斌爽恋”风暴中的郑爽开始了一段来之不易的专访。湖南台工作人员再三叮嘱记者,“不要问关于胡彦斌[微博]的任何问题。”经...

Zheng Shuang Sina here is 8 points early in the morning of May 1st, "flowers and young" 2 Hangzhou two hours before the film, storm correspondents and "bin Shuang love" Zheng Shuang began a period of the interview be not easily won. Hunan station staff repeatedly told reporters, "don't ask any questions about Hu Yanbin [micro-blog]." By...