新关注 > 信息聚合 > 美版《西游记》主创齐亮相 吴彦祖冯德伦担任制作..

美版《西游记》主创齐亮相 吴彦祖冯德伦担任制作..

The U.S. version of "journey to the west" creative Daniel Wu Qi fengdelun as making..

2015-08-01 10:47:11来源: 人民网

比弗利,当地时间7月31日,吴彦祖、冯德伦出席美版西游记《荒原》(Into the Badlands)小组讨论会,这是2015 Summer TCA Tour活动第4日。吴彦祖帅气亮相在谈论会上侃侃...

Beverly, local time on July 31, Daniel Wu, Stephen Fung attended the panel on the United States version of journey to the west "the waste land" (into the badlands). This is 2015 summer TCA tour activities on the fourth day. Daniel Wu talking about the meeting with handsome appearance...