新关注 > 信息聚合 > 欧冠身价榜:皇马以7.155亿欧元领跑 巴萨排第2

欧冠身价榜:皇马以7.155亿欧元领跑 巴萨排第2

The Champions League status list: Real Madrid to 7.155_yi billion euros to lead Barcelona row this week in the 2

2015-09-16 17:06:55来源: 中国新闻网


, 2015-2016 season Champions League will be opened the curtain, Spain "Aspen" according to the transfer market, "the data of 32 worth of a ranking, which Real Madrid ranked first in the total worth of 7.155_yi billion euros, while the player is worth, Lionel Messi and c Luo two big star...