新关注 > 信息聚合 > 首届京津冀青年环保风云会启幕 倡设立国家防治雾..

首届京津冀青年环保风云会启幕 倡设立国家防治雾..

Beijing, Tianjin first youth environmental situation curtain advocating the establishment of national prevention and treatment of fog..

2015-07-05 17:38:41来源: 中国新闻网

中新网天津7月5日电 (记者 张道正)首届京津冀青年环保风云会5日在南开大学启幕。来自全国各地环保领域的200余名政府官员、专家学者、企业人士及京津冀地区30余所高校的青年师生代表出席,聚焦“生态文...

Beijing, Tianjin, July 5, (reporter Zhang Daozheng) the first Beijing Tianjin Hebei Youth Environmental Protection Situation on the 5th curtain at Nankai University. From more than 200 government officials, experts and scholars, business people and more than 30 colleges and universities in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Province in the field of environmental protection, focusing on the ecological...