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Huangdao district leaders to visit Shandong University of Science and Technology academician Song Zhenqi

2015-01-26 22:14:07来源: 山东科技大学

1月26日,黄岛区区委常委、组织部部长逯鹰一行来到山东科技大学,走访慰问中国科学院院士宋振骐。副校长刘新民一同看望,人事处处长孙鹤汀陪同。 逯鹰亲切询问了宋振骐院士的近况,对他为黄岛区发展所做出的...

1 month 26 days, Huangdao district Party committee, the Minister of the Organization Department of Lu Ying visited Shandong University of Science and Technology, visit condolences to Song Zhenqi academician of Academy of Sciences China. Vice President Liu Xinmin to visit, accompanied by Sun Heting, the director of personnel. Lu Ying asked about the status of academician Song Zhenqi, he made for the development of Huangdao district...