新关注 > 信息聚合 > 摩亭荣膺2014年中国美胸美体十大品牌奖


Moroccan Pavilion 2014 awarded China breast body ten brand award

2014-11-21 17:08:05来源: 瑞丽女性网

4月12日,由中国央视网、中国美胸美体行业协会共同举办的“第四届中国女性美体与微丰胸跨界峰会暨2014年度中国美胸美体十大品牌榜颁奖典礼”在北京人民大会堂隆重举办。 中国女性产业发展研究会副理事...

4 month 12 days, CO organized by the Chinese CCTV.com, Chinese breast body industry association's "fourth Chinese female body and micro breast cross-border summit and the 2014 annual China breast body ten brand list awards" was held in Beijing Great Hall of the people. Deputy director of research and development Chinese female industry will...