新关注 > 信息聚合 > 珍宝八音盒6.27更新 精品齐聚好礼来袭

珍宝八音盒6.27更新 精品齐聚好礼来袭

Treasure music box 6.27 update boutique gathered gifts incoming dancer players

2015-06-27 01:22:37来源: 游久网

尊敬的炫舞玩家: 许多玩家们都比较熟悉多宝八音盒,但它的邻居珍宝八音盒可谓是多宝的升级版哦!大量永久期限的非卖套装、非卖翅膀、非卖坐骑等齐聚与此,只等待幸运的你将其抱回家。 新一期的珍宝八音...

respect: the number of players who are more familiar with the turbo music box, but its neighbors treasure music box can be described as is an upgraded version of the turbo Oh! A large number of permanent term non sale of packaged, non sell wings, non horse to sell etc. gathered with this, just waiting for the lucky you will hold its home. A new phase of the eight treasures...