新关注 > 信息聚合 > 北京一居民楼墙面出现空鼓 墙皮铲落状似"补丁"

北京一居民楼墙面出现空鼓 墙皮铲落状似"补丁"

Beijing residential building walls appear hollowing plaster shovel fall like a "patch"

2015-09-23 05:42:08来源: 千龙

原标题:墙皮铲落状似“补丁” 温泉镇凯盛家园墙皮掉落似迷彩。京华时报记者谭青摄 近日,海淀区温泉镇凯盛家园一区内有多栋住宅楼出现墙皮脱落现象,露出内部的保温层材料,远看像是给墙体打的“补丁”。...

original title: plaster shovel shaped like "patches" Quan Zhen Kai Sheng home plaster falling like camouflage. Jinghua Times reporter Tanqing perturbation recently, spa town of Haidian District Kai Sheng home district, a residential building appear plaster off phenomenon, exposing the internal insulation material, far look like is to the wall to play the "patch". ...