新关注 > 信息聚合 > 郭敬明晒3年前路演旧照回忆《小时代1》


Guo Jingming sun 3 years anterior play according to the old memories of the sun "small time"

2015-07-19 23:56:33来源: 中国青年网

郭敬明晒小时代1旧照 新浪娱乐讯 随着郭敬明电影《小时代4》终结篇于7月9日在全国上映,小时代系列也终于画上了句号。7月19日,郭敬明通过微博晒小时代1旧照,并感谢过去的三年。照片,郭敬明和众演...

Guo small time old according to Los Angeles with Guo film "age 4" finale on July 9, released in the country, small time series also finally draw a full stop. July 19th, Guo Jingming through the microblogging sun 1 years of age, and thanks for the past three years. Photo, Guo Jingming and play...