新关注 > 信息聚合 > 剑灵中金龙装饰箱能开出什么东西?


Jian Ling Jinlong decorative box can open what?

2015-03-31 19:27:37来源: 电玩巴士

问:剑灵中金龙装饰箱能开出什么东西? 答: 剑士:修罗斩 拳师:妖邪败 召唤:花蝶舞 气功:燎原令 力士:魂魄断 刺客:幽影煞 灵剑:八荒灭 就是45版本出的传说...

Q: blade Jinlong decoration box can open a what? Answer: swordsman: Ashura cut boxer: Demon summoned: Flower Butterfly defeated Qigong: Liaoyuan makes lux: Soul Assassins: Shadow evil spirit sword broken: eight out of 45 versions of the legend is that...