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《爱尔兰人》新进展 德尼罗等三大殿堂级男星齐聚

"Irish" new Deniro Three Star Palace in

2016-05-09 15:20:46来源: 搜狐

罗伯特-德尼罗、阿尔-帕西诺、乔-佩西三大男星齐聚老马丁新片 搜狐娱乐讯 搜狐娱乐讯(文/耷子)早在2012年,好莱坞著名导演马丁-西科塞斯已悄然酝酿他的新作——《爱尔兰人》(The Irish...

Actor Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Joe - Percy gathered old Martin film Sohu Entertainment News Sohu Entertainment News (text / big eared son) in early 2012, the famous Hollywood director Martin Scorsese has quietly brewing his new book, the Irish people "(the Irish...