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大鹏合影周星驰 星爷卖萌比V字童心不减

Dapeng photo Stephen Chow sell sprout than V innocence does not reduce

2015-07-17 02:06:07来源: 中国青年网

周星驰和大鹏合影比剪刀手卖萌 新浪娱乐讯 7月16日晚,大鹏[微博]通过微博晒和周星驰合影,并写道:“星爷说没有梦想就都是咸鱼。”照片中,董大鹏手拿相机歪嘴自拍,久未露面的周星驰戴着白色鸭舌帽,...

Stephen Chow and Dapeng photo than scissors in hand to sell Meng Sina entertainment news on the evening of July 16, Dapeng [microblogging] through the microblogging drying and Stephen Chow posed, and wrote: "Yeh said there is no dream is salted fish." In the photo, Dong Dapeng holding a camera self timer, the lack of appearance of Stephen Chow wearing a white peaked cap,...