新关注 > 信息聚合 > 明星与父母合影:徐若瑄母亲撞脸林青霞 莫文蔚刘..

明星与父母合影:徐若瑄母亲撞脸林青霞 莫文蔚刘..

Star and parents photo: Vivian mother hit the face Lin Qingxia Karen Liu..

2015-06-25 07:44:07来源: 荆楚网

徐若瑄母亲日前曝出近照 神似林青霞 中国娱乐网综合:基因作用有多大?明星的面部特征是遗传的父亲或者母亲吗?一起来看看这些明星和爸妈的合影吧。

Vivian Hsu mother recently exposed photo likeness Brigitte Lin China Entertainment Network Synthesis: gene action have much? Is the star's facial feature a genetic father or mother? Take a look at the stars and parents of the group photo.