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Qingming Jidao hope of fresh air (today talk)

2016-04-04 22:07:08来源: 人民网

临近清明,祭悼逝者、追思亲友的活动逐渐多起来。不过,在一些地方尤其是农村,因上坟放鞭炮、烧纸钱而导致的环境污染与火灾,还时有发生。 其实,时代在进步,清明祭扫也理应移风易俗。比如,可以在清明节或周末、节假日带上孩子,捧束鲜花去扫扫墓,在亲人坟前栽几棵小树;也可以在家看看亲人生前留下的...

Near Qingming, Jidao dead, relatives and friends of the memorial activity growing gradually. However, in some places, especially in rural areas, due to grave firecrackers, fire and environmental pollution caused by burning paper money, also occur. In fact, the era of progress, Qingming sweep also should change our habits. For example, in the festival or on weekends, holidays, bring the kids, and holding a bouquet of flowers to sweep the graves of their loved ones in the grave trees planted trees; and to be at home to see their loved ones who leaves ...