新关注 > 信息聚合 > 全国高考1540所高校计划在陕西招243994人


National college entrance examination 1540 universities plan in Shaanxi recruit 243994 people

2015-06-18 11:22:54来源: 华商网

[摘要]记者昨日从省招办获悉,今年全国1540所普通高校在陕安排招生计划243994名。录取共设置6个批次,分别为提前批次、单设本科批次、本科一批、本科二批、本科三批和高职。 华商报记者昨日从省招办获悉,今年全国1540所普通高校在陕安排招生计划243994名。今年我省高考报名339...

[abstract the] reporters learned yesterday from the provincial manages, throughout the year 1540 colleges in Shaanxi arrangements enrollment plan 243994. 6 batches of admission were set, respectively, in advance batches, undergraduate batch, undergraduate batch, undergraduate two, three batches and higher vocational. China Daily reporter yesterday learned from the provincial admissions this year, 1540 Chinese colleges in Shaanxi arrange enrollment plan 243994. This year, the province entrance examination 339...