新关注 > 信息聚合 > 宋佳谈与胡歌虐恋戏突然泪满面:呜呜呜


Song Jia and Hu Ge talk about sadomasochistic play suddenly tears all over the face: ooo

2014-12-17 23:41:53来源: 中国青年网

■玉墨是一个让人心疼的女人,“演完她我都开始怀疑人生了” 聆君:您曾在微博里用颜色来形容自己扮演的角色,说到玉墨时,您用了黑色,这是她给您的印象吗? 宋佳:玉墨给我的感觉就是,是一个非常典型的东方女人,非常有韧性,宽厚、宽容,很了不起。她确实是我非常非常喜欢的一个角色,可以说,我对...

- Jade ink is a people distressed woman, "after her I began to suspect that the life of Ling Jun:" you have ever been in micro-blog with color to describe their own role, said Yu Mo, you use the black this is she, your impression? Song Jia: Jade ink to my feeling is, is a very typical eastern woman, very strong, generous, tolerant, great. She is really a role, I very very love can say, i...