新关注 > 信息聚合 > 巴媒评巴甲十大被高估球员,蒙蒂略上榜


Pakistani media comment on Pakistan a ten overrated player, Monty on the list

2015-08-06 22:16:17来源: 华体网

日前,巴西著名媒体《环球体育》评选了巴甲联赛中“十大被高估球员”,目前效力于山东鲁能的阿根廷外援蒙蒂略上榜,而且位居第四位。 该媒体评选的巴甲联赛十大被高居球员中,智利前腰巴尔迪维亚高居榜首,在美洲杯期间,巴尔迪维亚还曾与中超劲旅广州富力传出绯闻。而曾与内马尔一起声名鹊起的甘索也位居第...

recently, the global sports, the famous Brazilian media selection the Bajia League "ten overrated player", currently playing in Shandong Luneng of Argentine foreign aid Monty on the list, and ranked fourth. The media selection Bajia League ten were ranked players, topped the list of Chilean playmaker Valdivia, during the Copa America, Valdivia was also and super giants Guangzhou bodied spread gossip. Who together with Neymar's rise to fame Ganso has also ranked no....