新关注 > 信息聚合 > 采荷中学举行关爱青少年心理健康音乐教学活动


Caihe Secondary School adolescent mental health teaching music

2016-02-25 23:41:07来源: 中国教育在线

中国教育在线浙江站讯 (通讯员 朱明媛)一年之计始于春,是心理压力容易爆发的时期。在开学之际,为了普及心理健康知识,帮助学生避免因为各种压力,可能出现的心理健康问题,杜绝令人痛心的事件再次发生,促进...

China Education Online Zhejiang station (correspondent Zhu Mingyuan) Yinianzhiji began in the spring, the psychological pressure easily outbreak period. In occasion of opening, in order to popularize mental health knowledge to help students avoid the kinds of pressure, mental health problems that may arise, to prevent distressing incidents, and promote ...