新关注 > 信息聚合 > [致我们正在消失的文化印记]时光缝出的优雅——..


[] we are caused by culture time the disappearance of the sewing of the elegant -..

2015-12-18 08:41:51来源: 中国青年网

拥有百年历史的旗袍 央广网北京12月18日消息(记者李欣 杨静)据中国之声《新闻纵横》报道,作家张爱玲曾说:“就是再没有心肝的女子说起‘她去年那件织锦缎夹袍’的时候,也是一往情深的”。在老上海斑...

has hundred years history of cheongsam CNR net Beijing on December 18th news (reporter Li Xin Yang Jing) according to the Chinese voice of "news" reported that the writer Eileen Chang once said: "there is no love woman says her last year the brocade dress', is passionately devoted". In old Shanghai...