新关注 > 信息聚合 > 曹云金春晚作品基本完成 话题涉及娱乐圈乱象

曹云金春晚作品基本完成 话题涉及娱乐圈乱象

Cao Yunjin Spring Festival evening works basically completed the topic related to entertainment chaos

2014-11-26 20:47:48来源: 中国青年网

曹云金将四登春晚 今天(11月26日),春晚熟脸曹云金新戏《龙号机车》在怀柔开放探班,接受媒体采访时,曹云金透露自己羊年春晚的作品已经基本完成,内容中会涉及雾霾、娱乐圈乱象等现实话题。据其经纪人...

Cao Yunjin four board, the Spring Festival Evening Gala today (November 26th) familiar face Cao Yunjin new play "the Dragon locomotive" at the opening of the Huairou class, a media interview, Cao Yunjin revealed works spring late his sheep has been basically completed, the content will be involved in a haze, the entertainment topic chaos etc.. According to his agent...