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冰王子羽生结弦:笑容融化冰场 男子花滑新标杆

Ice Prince yuzuru Hanyu: smile to melt the ice man skating new benchmark

2015-04-09 11:48:32来源: 新浪

羽生结弦 “海上王冠”像一颗镶嵌在黄浦江边的明珠,为期4天的2015世界花样滑冰锦标赛就在这里举行。最高规格、最高水平的冰上花滑大赛首次来到上海,反响之热烈、赛场气氛之火爆超出了预期。来自日本的...

yuzuru Hanyu "sea crown like a pearl inlaid in the Huangpu River Pearl, for a period of 4 days of the 2015 World Figure Skating Championships was held here. The highest specifications, the highest level of ice skating contest first came to Shanghai, the repercussions of the warm, the atmosphere of the stadium is hot beyond expectations. Come from japan...