新关注 > 信息聚合 > 营养专家:青少年食品应采取分级制度


Nutrition experts: young people should take the food grading system

2015-04-02 06:33:34来源: 人民网

朱毅,中国农业大学食品科学与营养工程学院副教授 如今,全国各地很多学校的门口,都成为无证摊贩的聚集地。如何保证孩子的食品安全,引导他们健康饮食?中国青年报记者采访了中国农业大学食品科学与营养工程...

Zhu Yi, associate professor, College of food science and Nutritional Engineering China Agricultural University today, a lot of the gate of the school all over the country, have become a gathering place for undocumented vendors. How to ensure the food safety of children, lead them to a healthy diet? Chinese Youth Daily reporter interviewed China Agricultural University food science and nutritional engineering...