新关注 > 信息聚合 > 从今年秋季开学起 山东全部取消“三限”政策停招..

从今年秋季开学起 山东全部取消“三限”政策停招..

From this fall semester Shandong the abolition of all "three limit" policy stopped recruiting..

2015-04-02 07:36:28来源: 大众网

□记者 王原 实习生 宋春越 报道 本报济南讯 记者从日前召开的全省教育系统党风廉政建设暨治理教育乱收费工作会议了解到,我省将坚决规范普通高中办学及收费行为,从今年秋季开学,各地要全部取消“...

] reporter Wang Yuan Intern Song Chunyue reported the newspaper Jinan news reporter learned from the recently held the province's education system construction of a clean and honest administration and management education charges work conference, our province will resolutely regulate the ordinary high school and collection of fees, from this fall semester, all localities should cancel all "...