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“噩梦行动”灾变升级 CSOL霸主级武器震撼登场

"Nightmare" disaster upgrade CSOL overlord level weapons shocking debut

2015-09-24 02:16:24来源: 南方网

反恐精英Online最新版本“噩梦行动”恐怖来袭!新版本中大灾变再度升级,霸主级武器横空出世!更刺激的爽嗨玩法,更流畅的游戏体验让你体验肾上腺素飙升的畅快! 【最强大的罪恶之源 M4A1邪皇】 霸主级武器M4A1邪皇 每逢天下动乱之时,必会诞生一个邪恶之源,它的到来就是为了将人...

counter strike online the latest version of the "nightmare" terror struck! The new version of Cataclysm upgrade again, Overlord weapons turned out! More exciting hi cool gameplay, more smooth gaming experience allows you to experience a surge of adrenaline carefree! [the most powerful evil of the source M4A1 evil emperor] overlord weapon M4A1 evil emperor every time when the world is a source of evil, it is to the arrival of people...