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时尚质感游戏利器 华硕傲世一体机全能

Fashion sense game weapon ASUS fate machine Almighty

2016-01-29 18:16:45来源: IT168

【IT168 厂商动态】一体电脑的出现,其不受连接线和空间的限制,大屏幕、外观时尚、性能强劲逐渐成了很多家庭的新宠,也是PC市场上不多的亮点之一,但因为身材限制,一体机的规格往往不高,而新上市的华硕...

[IT168 manufacturers dynamic] one computer, the connection line and space constraints, large screen, the appearance of fashion, performance strong gradually into the new darling of many families, PC market is also more than one of the highlights, but because body restrictions, the specifications of the various machine is often not high, and the listing of the new ASUS.

标签: 游戏