新关注 > 信息聚合 > 赵本山出席政协会议冯小刚呼吁恢复部分繁体字


Zhao Benshan to attend the Political Consultative Conference Feng Xiaogang called for the restoration of part of traditional Chinese characters

2015-03-04 14:18:27来源: 中国青年网

赵本山现身全国政协会议分组讨论会 冯小刚现身全国政协会议分组讨论会 腾讯娱乐讯(文/赵振宗 )今天(3月4日)上午全国政协会议分组讨论会如期进行。包括冯小刚、宋丹丹、赵本山在内的多位明星委员均...

Zhao Benshan appeared the CPPCC group discussions will Feng Xiaogang appeared on the CPPCC session group discussion will Tencent entertainment news (text / Zhao Zhenzong) today (March 4th) morning meeting of the CPPCC group discussions will proceed as scheduled. Including Feng Xiaogang, Song Dandan, Zhao Benshan, the number of stars members...