新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《看火人》即将登陆Switch 制作人放出新截图

《看火人》即将登陆Switch 制作人放出新截图

"See the fire" is coming to the Switch producer released new screenshots

2018-11-12 10:00:25来源: 游戏时光

今年4月份的时候,步行模拟佳作《看火人》就曾宣布要登录 Switch 平台,而在前天,《看火人》制作人之一 Jake Rodkin 在推特上分享了几张 Switch 版《看火人》的截图,并在之后的回复中表示游戏很快就会登录 Switch 平台。 《看火人》制作组 Campo Santo 在今年4月份被 Valve 收购,不过制作组表示 Valve 不会影响他们此前正在进行的项目《神之谷》,且 Valve 也会协助游戏的开发,不知双方结合后会产出怎样的火花。来源:推特

In April this year, walking simulation excellent work "see the fire was announced to log on to the Switch platform, and in the day before yesterday, one of the producers see the fire," Jake Rodkin on twitter to share a few Switch version screenshots see the fire, and said in reply after login game will soon Switch platform. & have spent & have spent The man to see fire production team Campo Santo bought by steam in April, but the production team said predecessor was not affect their ongoing project after "the valley of god", and the Valve will also assist the development of the game, I don't know the two sides together to produce sparks. Source: twitter

标签: Switch