新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《宝可梦 剑/盾》新情报:极巨化、联网对战、隐藏特性、新道具

《宝可梦 剑/盾》新情报:极巨化、联网对战、隐藏特性、新道具

New Intelligence of Baoke Dream Sword/Shield: Extremely Gigantic, Networked Warfare, Hidden Characteristics, New Projects

2019-08-17 10:31:49来源: 游戏时光

宝可梦官方推特于8月16日公布了最新预告视频,介绍了《宝可梦 剑/盾》中极巨化、联网对战、隐藏特性、新道具等新情报。 隐藏特性自第五世代起,“宝可梦”系列作品中加入了“隐藏特性”要素,使得部分宝可梦有了难以入手的罕见个体,而《宝可梦 剑/盾》中想要获得这样个体的宝可梦就得多参与“极巨团体战”。野生宝可梦中有着“可以极巨化”+“隐藏特性”的超稀有个体,如果能抓到可以说非常幸运了。钢铠鸦隐藏特性——镜甲玩家在草丛中发现的钢铠鸦只会有普通特性“压迫感”,而在“极巨团体战”中则能抓到“镜甲”特性钢铠鸦,该特性能够反弹对手施加过来的能力降低效果,能力提升效果则不会反弹,这也是本作中新加入的特性。新特性双...

The official Twitter of Baoke Dream released the latest warning video on August 16, introducing new information in "Baoke Dream Sword/Shield" such as extreme mega, online warfare, hidden features, new props and so on. Since the fifth generation, the hidden characteristics have been added to the series of works of Baoke Dream, which makes some Baoke Dreams have rare individuals that are difficult to start. In order to get such an individual's Baoke Dream Sword/Shield, it is necessary to participate in the "Extremely Giant Group Warfare". In the wild Baoke dream, there are super-rare individuals with the characteristics of "can be extremely huge"+ "hidden", which can be said to be very lucky if they can be caught. Steel armor concealment characteristics - steel armor players found in the grass will only have the general characteristics of "oppression", while in "Extreme Group Warfare" can catch "mirror armor" characteristics of steel armor, which can rebound the ability of the opponent to reduce the effect, ability enhancement effect will not rebound, which is also in this work. New features. New features double..