新关注 > 信息聚合 > 北美地区VR游戏开发者已经开始这样挣钱了


In North America, VR game developers have begun to earn money

2016-08-11 09:07:48来源: 17173

来自硅谷的投资者Amitt Mahajan,在考察完中国市场后,认为中国很可能会是VR普及的先发市场,理由之一,是中国拥有得天独厚的线下消费市场。 跟Mahajan这位投资者想法相同的人不少。近日,加拿大VR游戏开发商Archiact也加入了中国线下市场的竞争,其中国区负责人Toby...

From silicon valley investors Amitt Mahajan, after examining the Chinese market, think that China will probably be the popularization of the VR start market, one of the reasons, is China has the advantaged offline consumer market. People in the same idea with Mahajan the investor. Recently, Canada VR game developers Archiact joined the offline market competition in China, the China director Toby...

标签: 游戏 VR