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《王者荣耀》新版刘邦出装 刘邦最新出装顺序

The king of glory the new liu bang out of the pack Liu bang out the latest order

2017-04-11 00:00:00来源: 人民网

《王者荣耀》四一分推流的创始人刘邦重塑归来,作为坦克/辅助的他,曾经保护己方脆皮输出于危难之中,而今归来之后的他不仅为指定的一个队友带来免伤,更能使处于法术场内的队友都获得免伤效果。 英雄分析 解析:重塑前的刘邦开启大招只能保护己方一个队友,可现在的刘邦传送之后,在他法术场内的队友都将获得免伤效果。这无疑将刘邦的辅助效果发挥到极致了,然而在保护队友的同时就必须让自己有更加强硬的身板。推荐装备中首选加最大生命的装备,不仅加强站场能力,更贴切技能伤害随着生命值的提高而提高的特点。其次刘邦作为拥有团控特长的英雄,为了让他在战斗中能够更频繁地释放技能,推荐了提升最大法力和冷却缩减的装备。 ...

The king of glory designation for push flow back liu bang, the founder of remodeling, as his tanks/auxiliary, used to protect their own crispy output in distress, and he not only after the return to specify a teammate free of injury, can make in a spell on teammates have any effect. Hero analysis analytic: reshape before liu bang on recruit one can only protect their own teammates, but now after the transfer of liu bang, in his teammates will get any spell at the stadium. This will no doubt liu auxiliary effect to the limit, but in protecting his teammates at the same time you must let oneself have more tough plate. Equipment in the recommended maximum life of equipment, not only strengthen the station capacity, better skill damage with the characteristics of the increase of value of life. Secondly, liu bang control specialty of the hero, as a group in order to let him in the battle to more frequent release skills, recommended maximum increase of mana and reduced cooling equipment. ...

标签: 王者荣耀