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登陆WiiU 《牧场物语》新作正式公布

Landing new wiiu "harvest moon" officially announced

2015-06-03 14:36:24来源: 新浪

北美游戏公司Natsume近日公布,《牧场物语》系列即将首次登陆Wii U和PC平台:即将上线的新作游戏《牧场物语记忆之种》。经典游戏系列《牧场物语》系列已经陪我们走过了20个年头,Natsume的董事长兼执行总裁Hiro Maekawa说;“最新作品《牧场物语记忆之种》将完美结合经典与...

North American gaming company Natsume recently announced, "harvest moon" series is about to debut the Wii u and PC platforms: is the line of the new game "ranch story memory a". Classic game series "harvest moon" series has been to accompany us through 20 years, Natsume's chairman and chief executive president Hiro Maekawa said; "the latest works of the ranch story memory a" perfect combined with classic and...