新关注 > 信息聚合 > 松田洋佑:希望《漫威复仇者》取得像《漫威蜘蛛侠》那样的成功


Yoshio Matsuda: I hope that The Man Wei Avenger will be as successful as Spider-Man Man.

2019-07-02 12:18:44来源: 游戏时光

在最近接受 GamesIndustry 的采访时,Square Enix 的总裁松田洋佑表示,他希望由水晶动力主导开发的《漫威复仇者》能够取得跟 Insomniac 制作的《漫威蜘蛛侠》一样的成功。松田洋佑表示,此前发售的《漫威蜘蛛侠》取得了很大的成功,有这样的例子在前,玩家对于《漫威复仇者》的期望就有所提高。《漫威蜘蛛侠》的表现很棒,但 Square Enix 不希望《漫威复仇者》会输给它,目前开发团队正在努力的制作游戏,以便能为玩家带来全新的体验。在采访中,松田洋佑还解释了为什么会选择让水晶动力与多个工作室合作开发《漫威复仇者》:当开发这么一款激动人心的游戏时,如果只由一个工作室来完成的话...

In a recent interview with Games Industry, Yasuo Matsuda, president of Square Enix, said he hoped that Crystal Power-led Development of "Man Wei Avenger" would achieve the same success as Insomniac's "Man Wei Spider Man". Yogyo Matsuda said that the previous release of Spider-Man has achieved great success, there are such examples before, the player's expectations for "Manway Avenger" have improved. Spider-Man has done a great job, but Square Enix doesn't want Avenger to lose to it. Now the development team is working hard to make games so as to bring new experiences to players. In the interview, Matsuda also explained why he chose to let Crystal Dynamics work with multiple studios to develop "Manway Avenger": when developing such an exciting game, if only one studio could do it.