新关注 > 信息聚合 > 用户数破亿 声网全力打造荔枝FM语音直播变现

用户数破亿 声网全力打造荔枝FM语音直播变现

Number of users to break up billion sound network to create lychee FM live broadcast of voice

2017-08-09 00:00:00来源: 人民网

目前,荔枝FM拥有600万日活跃用户,200万播客,以及5000万期原创音频节目,播客数量、内容时长、内容数量均位居全网第一。 上线3个月收入过千万,如今保持每月5000万以上的直播收入,并仍然在快速增长······在“颜值即正义”的秀场主播背景音下,很多人对语音直播并不看好。而播客平台荔枝FM的这一出色成绩,让人看到了语音直播的变现空间不但很大,而且还在持续扩大中。 2013年,荔枝FM上线,slogan是“人人都是主播”。 2016年10月,荔枝FM推出语音直播功能。 2017年1月,荔枝FM成立三周年,宣布用户破亿。 目前,荔枝FM拥有600万日活跃用户,200万播客,以及5...

At present, litchi FM has 6 million active users, 2 million podcasts, and 50 million original audio programs. The number of podcasts, the long content and the number of contents are the first in the whole network. 3 months of online income over 10 million, and now maintain more than 50 million of the monthly live income, and still in rapid growth. The excellent performance of the podcast platform lychee FM shows that the realization space of voice broadcast is not only large but also expanding. In 2013, litchi FM was launched, and slogan was "everyone is anchor." In October 2016, lychee FM launched voice live broadcasting. In January 2017, litchi FM was set up 3rd anniversary. At present, lychee FM has 6 million active users, 2 million podcasts, and 5...

标签: 直播