新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《无主之地3》万圣节活动上线 主机版增加拍照模式

《无主之地3》万圣节活动上线 主机版增加拍照模式

"Land of ownerless 3" Halloween activities online host version add photo mode

2019-10-26 10:55:57来源: 游戏时光

万圣节马上就要来了,《无主之地3》的限时活动“疯狂收获节”目前也已经正式上线。这次活动将会一直持续到 12 月 5 日,玩家可以在其中解锁各种新的奖励,参加新的活动,挑战新的 BOSS 等等,各位这周末不妨赶紧上线试试看。与这次活动一起上线的还有大量其他更新,包括主机版新增「拍照模式」,主机版玩家可在“真·秘藏猎人”模式中开始“混乱模式”,主机新增“ECHO 直播 Twitch 扩展程序”等等,下面是这次更新的完整官方说明。稳定性修复加载地图时造成崩溃的已知问题修复音频崩溃的已知错误修复部分玩家扔出长弓手雷后立即转换关卡时发生崩溃的已知问题修复部分玩家完成任务后极少情况下发生崩溃的已知问题修复...

Halloween is coming soon, and the limited time activity "crazy harvest festival" of land of no owner 3 has been officially launched. This activity will last until December 5. Players can unlock all kinds of new rewards, participate in new activities, challenge new boss and so on. You may as well try it online this weekend. Along with this activity, there are a lot of other updates, including the new "photo mode" in the host version, the players in the host version can start the "chaos mode" in the "true secret Hunter" mode, and the new "echo live twitch extension" in the host, etc., the following is the complete official description of this update. Stability fix known problems that cause crashes when loading maps fix known errors that cause audio crashes fix known problems that cause crashes when some players immediately switch levels after throwing Longbow grenades fix known problems that cause crashes rarely after some players complete tasks fix known problems that cause crashes...