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E3:《莎木3》将入驻Epic商店 已确认为独占

E3: Samuel 3 is confirmed to be exclusive in Epic Store

2019-06-12 00:00:00来源: 人民网

E3 PC游戏展已进入高潮阶段,《莎木》系列缔造者铃木裕也登场展示了《莎木3》的新内容,并表示《莎木3》将入驻Epic商店。不过我们还不知道这款游戏是否只会在Epic store上推出。铃木裕在个PC游戏展舞台上简短地向粉丝们表示感谢,并介绍了新预告片,但没有提到新的发展。从宣传片中可以看到Epic的Logo,但没有Steam的Logo。 《莎木3》的发行商为DeepSilver,所以推出Steam版可能是凶多吉少了。如果《莎木3》现在是Epic独占游戏(它也将出现在PlayStation4上),那么毫无疑问,它会令许多PC粉丝感到失望。之前Kickstarter众筹上《莎木3》页面从...

The E3 PC Game Show has reached its climax, and Suzuki Yukio, the founder of the Samuel series, has also shown the new content of Samuel 3 and said that Samuel 3 will be placed in the Epic Store. But we don't know if this game will only be launched on Epic Store. Suzuki briefly thanked fans at a PC game show and introduced the new trailer, but did not mention new developments. Epic's logo can be seen in the promotional film, but Steam's logo is not. The publisher of Samuel 3 is Deep Silver, so the Steam edition may be a bit more auspicious. If Samuel 3 is now an Epic exclusive game (it will also appear on PlayStation 4), it will undoubtedly disappoint many PC fans. Previously, Kickstarter crowdsourced the "Samuel 3" page from to _________.