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2019WUCG三亚电竞节开幕 构建电竞文化新IP

2019wucg Sanya E-sports festival opens to build a new IP of E-sports culture

2019-12-05 00:00:00来源: 人民网

2019WUCG三亚电竞节于12月3日在三亚半山半岛帆船港盛大开启,来自中国、美国、韩国、马来西亚、西班牙等16个国家的优秀高校电竞队伍齐聚一堂,将向《英雄联盟》、《DOTA2》、《王者荣耀》、《炉石传说》、《拳皇14》五大赛事项目的全球总冠军发起冲击。 在2019WUCG三亚电竞节启动仪式上, WUCG创始人卫东冬表示历经三年看着WUCG从襁褓婴儿茁壮成长,助力全球高校学子实现电竞冠军的梦想。 伴随着一众领导携手推动拉杆启动器, 2019WUCG三亚电竞节的赛程正式开始!在本次WUCG全球总决赛上,将会见证16个国家的优秀高校选手的比拼!这不仅仅是不同战队之间电竞实力的较量,也将推...

On December 3, the 2013 wucg Sanya E-sports festival was held in the sailing port of Sanya Banshan peninsula. Excellent E-sports teams from 16 countries, including China, the United States, South Korea, Malaysia, Spain, etc., gathered together and will launch an impact on the global championship of five major events, namely, the League of heroes, dota2, the glory of the king, the legend of furnace stone and Boxer 14. At the launching ceremony of 2013 wucg Sanya e-Competition Festival, Wei Dongdong, founder of wucg, said that after three years, he watched wucg grow up from an infant and helped college students around the world to realize their dream of becoming the champion of e-Competition. With a group of leaders working together to promote the pull rod starter, the competition schedule of 2013 wucg Sanya electric competition Festival officially begins! In this wucg global finals, we will witness the competition of excellent university players from 16 countries! This is not only a contest between different teams, but also a push

标签: 电竞