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新极限新征程 《圣剑契约》公测新版本预告

New limit new journey "sword contract" new demo version forecast

2017-02-17 00:00:00来源: 人民网

熔岩君主真身首次降临,恶魔潮即将席卷勇者大陆!2月22日,逗萌奇幻冒险手游《圣剑契约》将开启全网救世公测!新剧情、新英雄、新系统将与广大玩家见面,新版本名为【炎魔的终章】,准备好迎接熔岩君主的怒火了吗? 剧情拓展 炎魔的终章 《圣剑契约》公测新版本会开放十章全新的剧情关卡,难度直线上升。在新剧情中,玩家将首次直面熔岩君主的真身,守护勇者大陆最后的希望。相应的,玩家的战力也有质的突破:等级上限也将开放至100级,装备加强、技能等级同步提升。 熔岩君主 最霸气英雄 熔岩君主将在《圣剑契约》开启公测后,与圣剑签订新的契约,成为可以召唤的英雄。其大招“浴火冲天”耗费800点怒气,伤害...

Lava monarch himself for the first time arrival, demon wave is sweeping the mainland a brave man! On February 22, made of fantasy adventure mobile game "sword contract" will open cut in salvation open beta! New plot, new heroes, the new system will meet with all the players, the new version called's final chapter 】 【 inflammation, ready for the lava monarch's anger? Plot development's final chapter inflammation is the sword compact open chapter ten new plot for open beta version of the commission, the difficulty has soared. In the new drama, players will be the first face to face with lava monarch, guarding the brave mainland last hope. Accordingly, the player's force also has a qualitative breakthrough: level cap will be open to level 100, synchronizing lifting equipment to strengthen and skill level. Lava monarch The most domineering hero Lava monarch will be "sword contract" after the open beta, sign a new contract with the sword, can be called hero. Its big recruit "bath fire plumes" 800 anger, hurt...