新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《终结者》系列游戏新作「抵抗」将于11月15日发售


Resistance, a new series of Terminator games, will be released on November 15

2019-09-20 09:54:03来源: 游戏时光

Reef Entertainm 今日公布了《终结者》系列的全新游戏作品《终结者:抵抗》(Terminator: Resistance),本作将登陆 PS4/Xbox One/PC 平台,预计将于11月15日登陆澳大利亚和欧洲,12月3日登陆北美。 《终结者:抵抗》由波兰制作组 Teyon 负责开发,是一款第一人称射击游戏,本作故事发生于卡梅隆导演的《终结者2》剧情的30年后,将为世界观加入全新的敌人势力,玩家可以自由选择对话、道具、武器来决定自己的玩法。来源:gamespot

Reef Entertainm today released Terminator: Resistance, a new series of games for Terminator, which will be launched on the PS4/Xbox One/PC platform. It is expected to land in Australia and Europe on November 15 and North America on December 3. Terminator: Resistance, developed by Teyon, a Polish production team, is a first-person shooting game. This story takes place 30 years after the plot of Terminator 2 directed by Cameron. It will add new enemy forces to the world outlook. Players can freely choose dialogue, props and weapons to decide their own playing methods. Source: Gamespot

标签: 游戏