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千里走单骑 《琅琊榜》坐骑副本今日曝光

Thousands of miles to go solo "Langya Bang" mounts a copy today exposed

2015-10-06 11:26:27来源: 新浪

当年关羽千里走单骑,过五关,斩六将,何等威风凛凛!之所以能如此畅行无阻,如入无人之地,只是因为,在那个年代还没有国庆!国庆想出门,只能在高速路上被嘲讽一脸。不如打开热播连续剧改编的游戏37《琅琊榜》,升级你的胯下宝驹,享受一番畅行无阻的高速体验吧~! 37《琅琊榜》官方网站:http...

when Guan Yu thousands of miles to go solo, five off, cut, how majestic! Can such as in uninhabited land, can run in both directions unblockedly, just because, at that time no national day! National Day wants to go out, can only be a face in the high-speed road. Better turn on the popular TV series adaptation of 37 Games "Langya Bang", upgrade your crotch Baoju, enjoy a lot of unimpeded high-speed experience! 37 "Langya list" the official website: http...