新关注 > 信息聚合 > 只等审批:育碧重申正与腾讯合作《彩虹六号》国服


Only waiting for approval: Ubisoft reaffirms that it is cooperating with Tencent on rainbow six national service

2019-11-21 00:00:00来源: 人民网

育碧的《彩虹六号:围攻》从去年开始迎来了自己的巅峰期,成为了全球“游戏即服务”的标杆产品,今年更是拿到了Esports Awards年度电竞游戏第三名。而毫无疑问,在育碧眼中中国市场的潜力还相当巨大。 上周末育碧成功在日本举办了亚洲首场现场直播赛事,吸引了4000+游戏粉丝。考虑到很少有FPS游戏能够在日本保持粘性,这是一个可观的成就。 但是对于育碧的EMEA电竞总监Francois-Xavier Deniele来说,育碧并不会因此而松懈。“现在,我对我们在中国的计划最为兴奋!中国对我来说十分重要,对《彩虹六号:围攻》也一样。我做了很多介绍中国的工作,因为当中国服落地时,将会改变整个格局...

Ubisoft's Rainbow Six: siege has ushered in its peak period since last year, becoming a benchmark product of "game as a service" in the world. This year, it also won the third place in eSports Awards' annual video games. There is no doubt that in the eyes of Ubisoft, the potential of the Chinese market is quite huge Last weekend, Ubisoft successfully hosted the first live event in Asia in Japan, attracting 4000 + game fans. Considering that few FPS games can remain sticky in Japan, this is a considerable achievement But for Francois Xavier deniele, Ubisoft's EMEA competition director, Ubisoft will not let up. "Now, I'm most excited about our plan in China! China is very important to me, as is Rainbow Six: siege. I've done a lot of work to introduce China, because when the Chinese clothing lands, it will change the whole pattern

标签: 腾讯